The kind of guy that I’m attracted to has always been a source of humor for my friends and me. It has gotten so ridiculous that they will see someone on the train or on the street, snap a shot, and send to me with a note attached –“…saw a guy that I thought you would find cute so I took a picture.” Then when I look at the picture, they guy would look very obviously feminine.
See, the problem is this; I’ve always liked eclectic looking men. For many of my friends, that just adds up to, I like gay guys. That, I can say emphatically, is not a true statement. The statement that I like rail thin guys is a fact. The statement that I like very tall guys is also a fact. The statement, I like men that might not appear to be the manliest, is also a fact. But statement that I like gay guys is absolutely false. We always use Leon (the actor) as an example. I think he is sooooooooooooooo sexy. I especially loved him in the Temptations movie. To me, he wasn’t really manly acting, but he had a sex appeal that I found to be incredible. Anyhow, this isn’t a post about my type of man – it’s about men’s dress.
Androgyny seems to be the new in thing and it’s really not cool. I remember walking down the street one day when I saw a store with very brightly colored apparel. To boot, the male and female mannequins appeared to be wearing the very same clothes. Now, when I was in college, my girls and I would go to H & M and buy clothes from the men’s section there. We would just find the extra small shirts and sweaters. No one would be able to tell that we were wearing men’s clothes. But, never did we expect to see men going into the women’s section to purchase clothes for themselves. That takes me back to this American Apparel store. I figured that I was just seeing things – that perhaps, their men’s clothes just looked very similar to their women’s clothes. But, I was wrong. It is a unisex store. WHATDAF…(I gotta keep my writing clean these days folk!) What’s worse is that people shop in there all the time like there’s no problem.
Just in the blink of an eye, men who would never wear a
tight shirt for fear of looking like a homo, are now wearing skinny jeans. What’s
worse is that they are wearing them under their butts. And that’s
because????????? It makes you look less gay? I’m still curious about that one.
While I don’t personally have a problem with men in skinny jeans, (not the
fools that wear them under their butts) I do question the implications of this.
To say that the acceptance of this style of dress does not imply that America
And for a girl like me, it’s okay. What bothers me about all of this though is that this whole style has single-handedly proved that men are nothing but sheep when it comes to fashion. We always knew that this was the case with women, but for a man to trade in ALL his baggy jeans for skinny ones tells me that if the new fad was men in skirts, you’d do it too. And that’s kinda scary.
There is so much wrong with this post. SOOOOO much...
Posted by: Lise | Saturday, January 03, 2009 at 10:57 AM
OMG...I hate that skinny jeans phenomena. It's not cute. & how exactly are they managing to walk?
Posted by: HQ | Sunday, January 04, 2009 at 12:15 AM
Lise and HQ, Thanks for reading. I'm not really opposed to the style as much as I am opposed to the implications of it. Really, while I targeted this specific issue, I've always been really curious about how media and such are able to get into our minds and make us accepting of things that we once hated. I think we've all fallen victim. In fact, while I'm not opposed to skinny jeans, I remember how adamant I was about not dressing like that when it first came out (for girls). Now, I'm thinking - that's kinda cute.
Posted by: nai | Sunday, January 04, 2009 at 08:26 AM