A few weeks ago, I had all plans of leaving town for Inauguration week(end). I just knew that it would be so chaotic and I didn’t want to get caught up in it. Sometimes, I have to shake my head at people who think it’s cool to pass judgment on others because they choose not to be as emotional as one would expect them to be. Many times, they inaccurately assume that the lack of reaction is due to ignorance. They don’t stop to think that some people really just aren’t into the pomp and circumstance of it all – but, that’s just a sidebar.
My cousin Andrew called and told me that he and the fam would be in my neck of the woods during inauguration and that we should stay in town – so that changed everything. Still, I had no intentions of going out and dealing with the madness outside. But, something happened!
My uncle called me up and told me that he had tickets for me to go to the We Are One concert. It was my understanding that this was a free, ticketless concert. So, I wondered whether he was pulling another one of his stunts. But, I still did as I was told and got dressed. I put on my warmest clothes and a hat and I got ready to brave the weather. Long story short – we got seats at the concert somewhere close to the front and we had a blast. The energy of the people, the sight of a million hands moving in one fluid pattern to the song “Shout” just made me want to cry. I watched the love and I felt it. The exhilaration of it all made me finally realize just what I was in the middle of. I knew then, that I had to at least be outside on the actual Inauguration day.
Between, nightly Love the Club parties, the Jay Z concert, this club and that, I had a BALL. On the day of the concert, I was tired. Unfortunately, I had an emergency situation that was taken care of relatively quickly. It jump started the day for us all. Eventually, 4 of us made it out the house and into the streets. The commute there was longer than I’d anticipated, but we made it. We were welcomed by crowds of people (I knew then that I should not have given up my spot at the Newseum). But again, the people were calm, cool, and collected. Many had no clue where they needed to be (we were in the notorious purple group). A bus blocked passage to the other side of the street. It was pure chaos. After maneuvering for quite some time, we made a collective decision to head back to the crib and watch via television. I’ll be honest – I slept through most of the ceremony. I was awake for the swearing in and I heard Aretha sing. I still haven’t heard this poem that people speak so terribly about.
I’m not like most people who think that the color of someone’s skin will change the crisis that we face today. I voted for Barack because I thought he was the best candidate. Now, I want him to be the best. I don’t care about his color or his love for his wife and kids. I just know that everyday I look into the faces of little ones, I hope that we can get this thing together so that they won’t struggle like many of us are and will.
Last week, it felt so great to be living in DC. If you missed it, you really really missed it.
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