It’s time for
reality! Let me say that I loved Michael Jackson. I was one of the ones that
felt that he was tormented – and, I understood his eccentricities. When I
watched him, I saw a child that was screwed up by his money hungry father and
docile mother. I always question how a truly loving mother would allow their children
to be put through such psychologically damaging situations. But, I then
understand that some women take a back seat and allow their man to be the “ruler”
of the home. In the end, it’s not a surprise that so many of the Jackson
Last night,
Dateline replayed the interview between Michael and Martin Bashir. As I watched
it, I couldn’t help but note the lies that he, so blatantly, told. The first
question of note was that of his skin color change. To that question, he stated
that it was all “ridiculous”. He then went on to say that people of the other
complexion would go outside and get tans, but no one said anything about that.
For him to actually believe that what he was saying was logical, truly
disturbed me. In the same vein, he was asked about the changing of his facial
shape, the cleft chin, the enlargement of lips, the eyebrows, etc. To all of
those, he responded that it was puberty and growing up. He maintained that this
was true even when Bashir reminded him that these changes came after the years
of puberty. Still, Michael stated that it was puberty. As I re-watched, I
became increasingly agitated. I then remembered why I didn’t want to remember that
Then came the stuff
about the kids. Bashir asked about the paternity and conception of the kids.
Michael stated that the first two were “gifts” – that Debbie Rowe said, “You
need to be a father” and had the kids for him. When asked about the other
child, he first stated that she was a surrogate. Bashir asked him if he’d had a
relationship with her and Michael said that he did. He then stated that ALL
three of those children had his sperm and that the mother of the last child was
a black woman. When asked about the complexions, he pointed to Joe Jackson’s
eyes and side of the family. Later, when asked about the children again, he
stated that the he did not know the mother of that child and that she was just
a surrogate. But, when you look at those kids, you knew that they ARE NOT HIS!
How mentally ill must you be to believe that you can go from being black to
white, with total facial feature changes, and then have children who look pure
white – when, not one of your own siblings resembles anyone white. It was sad.
Fast forward to
today – revealed that neither Michael nor Debbie Rowe are the biological
parents of those children, and NONE of the children are Michael’s. Worse than
that, he didn’t even adopt ANY of them because he felt that no one would ever
battle him for custody. So, now, three kids hang in the balance and no one
knows who their biological parents are.
I don’t know what is
more crazy, but while I choose to remember the great about Michael, things like
this keep people from being able to see him as a reputable individual. His
personal life and privileged decisions are direct factors in the determination
of what will happen with three innocent kids. And, it wont be until they grow
up that we’ll probably ever have the opportunity to know the real truth about
Do you know how good it feels to come here and see that you're still doing your thing? And by the reads, you've really evolved. I love evolvement. I can't wait to see the new site. Peace!
Posted by: Yo | Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 12:01 PM
He was not a model but his dance and singing make it a super star I'm not sure why we was obsessed with kids but he was big In the loving memory of Michael
Posted by: Buy Viagra | Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 04:31 PM